Free Education Guide: The Origins of Dr. Carter G. Woodson & Black History Month

To kick-off February 2023, Your Neighborhood Scholar and the Afrikan Black Coalition have collaborated to present you with a FREE EDUCATION GUIDE on the Origins of Dr. Carter G. Woodson and Black History Month.

💭Reflect: How has the original mission, context, and political charge of Negro History Week and the life and legacy of Dr. Woodson been watered down, co-opted, commodified, and capitalized upon by individuals and institutions that have no true investment in the freedom and liberation of Afrikan/Black people?
💭Reflect: Based upon the information provided in this Education Guide, what can you do to extend the educational and political mission of Dr. Carter G. Woodson?

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Your Neighborhood Scholar and making a donation💸, purchasing some merch🛍, or telling someone about us🗣! Be sure to also check out our other free educational resources📚✏️📖📝.
Afrikan Black Coalition and making a donation💸, requesting training for your organization🗓, or volunteering💪🏿!

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a light-brown complexioned Black man in a suit, standing in front of a book case while peering directly into the camera lens of the photographer.

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